We are excited to announce that we are now entering the next phase of NFTWars, FIGHT! $FIGHT is a second layer token designed for in game use which is absolutely essential for game mechanics ranging from training warriors to buying cards/upgrades via our exclusive WARChest marketplace! Warriors can only obtain FIGHT one of 2 ways: by staking their WAR tokens or providing Liquidity. With all of the excitement surrounding NFTWars, we can say we are most definitely ready for some FIGHT.
Reward will be distributed as Follows:
Max Supply: 50m
STAKING- Warriors can stake their WAR tokens in order to receive FIGHT tokens. Rate of Reward will be a very simple 1:1 WAR to FIGHT drop every 24 hours held.
Liquidity Providers- Warriors will provide liquidity in the form of WAR-ETH in equal parts to get LP-TOKENS. Reward rate for LP-TOKEN holders is 100:1 LP to FIGHT drop every 24 hours.
There are many ideas coming to life behind the scenes in the War room including advanced gameplay mechanics, deflationary tokenomic measures and even enhanced card metrics to keep players entertained for years to come. We are very excited to show you how FIGHT works as we are nearing the BETA phase of our launch of NFTWars. So make sure you are ready because a FIGHT is coming!
Contract Address: https://etherscan.io/token/0x4d75D9e37667a2d4677Ec3d74bDD9049326Ad8d6
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Website: Nftwars.io