So Finally The Wait is over NFTWARS pre sale is here we will be having pre sale for 14 Days, But then our Private sale was a WAR between buyers and we filled in 8 Hours.
Many people Could not buy the tokens and were sad they contacted us and asked for a way to buy these tokens for same price if we could hold for them which was against our rules
But finally the pre sale price will start as follow:
1000 WAR = 1.3 ETH this is last chance to buy the tokens before listing as we will not have any whitelist or delays.
Also the ETH is at 1550 right now so according to that price is 2015$ Same as it was in private sale when one ETH was 2000+
I hope we get same response we did during private sale as pre-sale sale will start March 5, 2021 @ 12:19 PM (UTC-08:19)
Till then, Prepare for WAR🏹🔥🔥🔥🔥