3 min readFeb 5, 2021


NFT Wars is an upcoming decentralized application utilizing NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) as players’ avatars in the game.


Beginning with games like “CryptoKitties” and “Crypto All-Stars”, games built upon the Ethereum blockchain have been getting more & more complex. From their roots of just being “collectible” ERC-20 or ERC-721 tokens that sit around in your MetaMask or other wallet, all the way to now where the sky is the limit & in-game land, buildings, creatures, and businesses are all possibilities for ownership & trade.

One thing that hasn’t evolved is the Ethereum Blockchain’s throughput or transactions per second (tps). In 2021 we have seen confirmation times & gas prices skyrocket from a low of a dollar or less per transaction up to the relative highs of $60–90 per transaction.

The amount of gas needed goes up with the complexity of the contract, so as contracts & games become more and more complex, the cost of actions within the game become higher & higher. This takes games out of the reach of people who enjoy trying new tech, or casual players, and limits the player base to whales or people speculating on what is essentially an experiment in gamification & player-held game assets.

Enter “Matic”. Matic is a second layer solution built on top of the Ethereum blockchain with the goal of speeding up transaction time & lowering the cost to users. An Ethereum transaction is required to “bridge” your tokens/assets onto Matic, and then again when you withdrawal to “bridge” back to the Ethereum mainnet — but everything done while on Matic is transacted quickly & at such a low cost.

NFT Wars aims to be one of the first blockchain games to utilize this layer two (L2) technology to open up blockchain gaming to all of the players left behind by high transaction costs.


In the beginning, NFT Wars will be simple. Almost like a game of “Rock, Paper, Scissors” for control of a Risk-like map. As it evolves, we will be looking to add alliances & grouping, rewards for control of territories, and more complex battle systems. Additionally, tokenized rewards for owners of NFTs can be expected early on, and will be used for not only staking, but also for the purchase of in-game items & assets, minting new NFTs, and other customization options.

We are also researching a burn mechanism that will burn the majority of tokens spent & funnel them back into the total supply, thus keeping the overall supply low & the game economy stable.

This is, as with any blockchain game, a work in progress which will evolve as people play & give us feedback on what works & what doesn’t work. The goal is to have fun & give players control of their in-game assets to do with as they please, trading, donating to their alliance, hoarding, or anything in-between.

Most importantly, they should be able to do all of this while paying next to nothing for simple actions. No more paying tokens to “mint” a new NFT, only to pay another $60 in Ethereum gas fees on the transaction. No more watching your character die, or losing a battle because you can’t afford a simple tx.

NFT Wars is bringing the fight to Layer Two, and the possibilities are endless. Come take the journey with us.


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